Chris Scheepers
Axon Polygraph Services was founded in 2005 by Chris Scheepers and has a national footprint to perform polygraph examinations with associated accredited polygraph examiners throughout South Africa and Africa.
Chris Scheepers graduated from the Maryland Institute of Criminal Justice in Baltimore, USA , one of the leading Polygraph training facilities in the USA during 2005. During 2012 he furthered his polygraph education with the Academy of Polygraph Science in Fort Myers, Florida, USA under the tutoring of Ben Blalock where he qualified as a Post-Conviction Sex Offender examiner and completed an Advanced Polygraph course.
He has kept up with the latest polygraph techniques and training by attending numerous Advanced Polygraph training seminars to remain compliant with American Polygraph Association and Southern African Polygraph Federation.
Chris has more than 30 years Risk Management and Consultancy experience in the Casino Resort, Tourism, Petrochemical, Mining, Banking, Retail and Diplomatic sectors. He has conducted more than 15 000 polygraph examinations on a multitude of cultures which include European (British, American, Australian, Romanian), Middle Eastern (Afghanistan, Pakistani, Iraqi, Kurdistani), Eastern (Nepalese, Indian, Philipino); African (South African, Ugandan, Kenyan, Sierra Leonean, Nigerian.) He spent 8 years conducting polygraph examinations as a sub-contractor to the US Departments of State and Defence in the Middle East. He spent time in Nigeria conducting polygraph examinations together with a team of British, American, and Israeli examiners on Police Cadet officers at the Nigerian Federal Police Academy, Kanu, Nigeria during 2012 / 2013. He further did criminal investigative polygraph examinations across Nigeria. Since 2013 he has returned to South Africa where he works from Roodepoort in the Gauteng and Northwest provinces.
Chris has a good knowledge of Industrial Relations and has had practical hands-on experience of Industrial Relations investigative, disciplinary, industrial action, and the CCMA processes in South Africa.
He has successfully appeared as an expert witness in many CCMA cases.
He is a member of the Southern African Polygraph Federation. He served as a Director on the board of the Southern African Polygraph Federation between 2015 and 2018.
“All of Mr. Scheepers’ work was quality controlled by me and an independent (ex-CIA) examiner in the United States. In all the many hundreds of polygraph examinations conducted by Mr. Scheepers, we considered his examinations, his professionalism, and examination standards to be above reproach and above the standards of his peers.” Terry Mullins, Owner of UK Polygraph Services, Director of Credibility Assessment – Nigeria
Business Information
Service areas
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, Africa
Business description
This type of polygraph examination is a case-specific/ diagnostic polygraph examination aimed at identifying the deceptive and clearing the innocent party where losses have occurred through theft, fraud, damage to property, forged documents, leaking of information to competitors, the list is as inexhaustible as the imagination of the perpetrator to put your business out of pocket.
This is a cost-effective investigative tool to give direction during an investigation and solving the crime/ misconduct.
This examination will also clear anyone wrongfully implicated in any incident.
With over 25% of job applications containing a lie about serious matters such as previous convictions, arrests, addictions, terminations, misrepresentation of qualifications/ experience and past employment your company could be exposing itself to unnecessary risk this is the type of polygraph examination to identify dishonest applicants.
When appointing persons into critical positions where high losses can occur in a flash and you obviously want a candidate of impeccable honesty and integrity, polygraph provides the answer.
When selecting the best candidate for promotion/transfer it is advisable to not only consider performance but honesty and integrity as well.
Once employed Periodic polygraph examinations are conducted at regular intervals to ensure that employees have not committed any uncovered crime and other activities that could have impacted negatively on your bottom line or have embarked on actions that could put your company at risk. This is an excellent tool in preventative loss control and gauging loyalty.
Investigation of infidelity, sex addiction, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and related sex crimes.
To affirm suspicions or remove doubt
Business location
Main Office
15 Saturn Ave
No address